Alexander Ichiro Jang
Artist Statement
Alexander Jang is an accomplished artist renowned for their mastery in 2-D and 3-D character design, along with a passion for storytelling. With an ongoing ambition to creating and expanding upon his craft, Alexander Jang creates immersive art where imagination becomes a piece of reality. 
From a young age, Alexander Jang exhibited a fascination for art was guided through a child's curiosity. He would relentlessly observes hours of 'behind-the-scenes' footage of popular television shows and movies. This fueled his passion to become a part of the industry within his later life.
Within his works, Alexander Jang strives to constantly push the boundaries of his own imagination when developing 2-D and 3-D designs. These characters become more than just artistic creations, but concepts than transform into narratives that invites the viewer to explore his diverse creativeness.
With a portfolio that displays creativity and technique, Alexander Jang continues to develop work and leave a mark on the art world. He remains committed to pushing his limits and the boundaries of character design and inviting new techniques and methods to further enchant his viewers into the appealing world created.
As an artist I explore the realm where imagination meets craftsmanship that focuses on fusing 2-D and 3-D character design. My work is testament to limitless capabilities of storytelling and self-expression using visual arts. Combining passion and the styles acquired from Western and Asian media, I craft characters that will exist in real life from pure imagination.
In my 2-D works, I unravel all the ideas from my psyche that are unraveled within each stroke. This can stem from emotions, subjects, environment and a plethora of things. I strive to evoke happiness within my viewers and invite them into my rich narratives that are within the frame.
Within the 3-D world I challenge myself to go above and beyond with creativity by using technology where I can meticulously build and sculpt characters into existence. Bringing a mere cube to a full scaled body challenges me in creating something of mere concept into reality. The lighting, angles, shadows, textures, and surface are all elements that play vital roles in ensuring that these figures are undeniably alive.
My work is deeply rooted into telling a story where each character can be applied within a thread of narratives. This can be something from other fictional inspirations or personal experiences. Through my art, I aim to show the view not just pleasing art to look at, but something of a deeper quality with an emphasis on journeys this character is about to embark on.
In the years of doing art, I find endless sources of inspiration and aspiration within my creations. I strive to captivate and also be able to move hearts and minds when viewing my pieces. With a stroke of a pen or a swipe of a mouse, I focus on bridging the gap between imagination and reality within a single piece.
Bachelors of Arts (Digital Media Art)
San Jose State University, San Jose, California
December, 2023
Arts related in 2-D and 3-D
-Technical Skills: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere, Atom, and Blender
-Soft Skills: Communication, Leadership, Commitment, Organization, Open minded, Teamwork, and Teachable
Tradeshow Posters: Ayase
Poster Designer
Walnut Creek, California
December, 2021 - January, 2022
-Create posters to display product in a clean format
-Ensure each bit of information is legible
-Render out high quality images that can be used at massive scaled projections

BFA Exhibition: "Ctrl + Art + Del"
Logo Designer/Content Creator
San Jose, California
September, 2023 - December 2023
-Create logos for poster, website, video usage
-Execute teamwork across two different departments
-Decide upon the choices based on opinions
-Build works that everyone enjoyed
Designer: Crate and Barrel
Furniture Designer/Sales Associate
Palo Alto, California
January, 2024 - July, 2024
-Have a understanding of design, spatial planning, lighting, and interior design styles
-Create designs for clients within 2-D/3-D software's
-Hold consultations with clients both virtually/in-person
-Have a full understanding of product information and industry trends
-Develop new and long lasting relations with clients
Design Consultant: Arhaus
Interiro Consultant/Sales Associate
Palo Alto, California
July, 2024 - Present  Day
-Meeting monthly numbers
-Proactive about follow-ups with clients
-Work proficiently independently and within collaboration
-Have full understanding of product
-Maintain an organized client book